3 days ago
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It’s Not a Matter of Choice Anymore, But a Necessity for Survival.
The Earth is shrieking and urging us to step up and save it. We have known the issues for years. What we don’t know is the extent of devastation and the level that this malaise has reached. The signs are already there. It’s just that we have turned a blind eye. Only if we can look around, we could easily comprehend the grave danger our planet is. Just look around and witness that nature is bleeding and the disastrous consequences of human greed and ignorance.
You can see the tumbling ecosystems due to global warming, the erratic weather that is causing crop failures, the increasing frequency of hurricanes that are striking with ever-increasing fury, causing incalculable loss to human lives and property. The scorching temperatures that are turning lands into deserts and the pouring rains that are submerging entire territories, forcing entire populations to displace – it’s the planet’s cry and an urgent call that if we don’t take heed now, we will have to face the wrath of nature. If we don’t save the Earth now, soon there won’t be any place left for us to live.
The cataclysmic consequences of the ruined state of the planet are becoming ever clear and call for concrete actions with increasing urgency.
We have lost one-third of global forest covers; millions of species are on the brink of extinction. Furthermore, the modern, industrial, and technological leaps have decimated the environment.
Carbon dioxide is at all-time high levels, trapping sunlight and scorching the planet. Pollution – another bi-product of the industrial revolution is causing havoc to Earth’s ecosystem. The air is poisoned, freshwater sources are depleting, and the soil is degrading at such an alarming rate that soon, a large chunk of Earth won’t produce anything.
So, why save the Earth? It’s the question of human survival.
There is no shortage of ideas, suggestions, and discussions, but what’s missing is the implementation of concrete actions. We should feel a bit of fear. Our planet is in danger; we all are in danger. There is an urgent need to mend our ways of life, adopt eco-friendly behavior and habits and emphasize wholeheartedly on sustainable development.
The existential threat that the depleted state of our planet is posing requires rapid social changes and individual cooperation on a global scale. We may not yet see the danger at our doors. But if we look closely, we can surely apprehend the threat looming large on the whole of human civilization. That’s why Save Earth or go extinct.
Earth Reminder is an initiative to raise awareness about “Save Earth.”
It started in 2018 to make the world aware that mother earth is sinking day by day. It needs help! Help from every individual to understand their responsibility for environmental protection.
Earth Reminder started research on different environmental problems and decided to share all the essential information about these problems. What causes it, how does it affect the environment, and how can we save Earth from the adverse effects of these issues. “Environment protection” is not an individual responsibility; instead, the whole world needs to cooperate to save the Earth’s resources.
We research different topics related to the environment and summarize them in articles, images, and videos. Eventually, we have started connecting with people from different parts of the world. If we can change people’s mindsets to some extent to care for the Earth, then it will be a success for us.
However, it is like our journey has just begun, but the goal is far away, and we need everyone’s support to achieve it. Helping others is the best help one can offer to create a beautiful world.
Keep our earth green, water clean, fresh air, and your vision always high. Think of ideas to save our mother earth and make a better future for the upcoming generations. We are a “reminder”; people need to get motivated to save the Earth.