
How to Write a Nature vs Nurture Essay?

The relationship between nature and nurture in how people grow and develop in a particular environment has excited psychologists, sociologists, and researchers for a long time. The nature vs nurture essay tries to understand how our genes and the natural environment influence our personality, behavior, and overall growth. In this article, we will explore how to write an essay about nature vs nurture, looking at different perspectives on this engaging topic.



The nature vs nurture essay and debate is about whether who we are and how we act is more because of our genes or because of our experiences. It’s like asking if our behavior is determined by what we’re born with or what we learn from the world around us. This essay helps us understand how our genes and the things we go through in life work together to shape our personality, traits, and how we grow as a person.

What Is Nature?

Nature is the physical world comprising all living and non-living things. It encompasses the Earth, its ecosystems, and the broader universe. Nature gives us resources, sustains life, and has aesthetic and spiritual benefits. All living things are interconnected and it emphasizes the importance of conservation and sustainable practices. Nature helps us connect with our surroundings and inspires environmental awareness for future generations.

Nature can be seen in a dense, lush forest full of trees, plants, animals, and insects. A forest ecosystem is a great example of nature’s extensive connectivity, where every element plays a crucial role in keeping the ecosystem healthy and balanced. Trees provide oxygen, shelter, and food for animals, and animals help disperse seeds and pollinate them.

As humans, our nature represents the fundamental essence of what it means to be human. It refers to all the things that make us human. It includes biological, psychological, and social aspects of our existence.

Modern View: An Interactionist Approach

In today’s world, experts believe that both our genes and our environment are key to our development. This new way of thinking is called the interactionist approach. It recognizes that our genes can interact with what’s around us to affect how we behave and what we’re like.

Recent research shows that our traits and behaviors aren’t just influenced by nature or nurture alone. Instead, it’s a mix of many factors, including our genes and the environment we grew up in. This understanding helps us have better, fairer discussions about nature and nurture.

How to Write a Nature vs Nurture Essay?

To write a nature vs nurture essay, you need to think about arguments and evidence about how our genes and our environmental factors affect how we grow. This essay explores the extent to which genetics and the environment shape us. To write it well, follow these steps. These steps are provided by professional writers from and will help you create a well-structured and informative essay.

Step 1: Choose a Topic

  • Understand the nature vs nurture debate: Before picking a topic for your essay, it’s important to know what the nature vs nurture debate is all about. It covers various areas like intelligence, personality traits, mental health, addiction, and wrong behavior. Familiarize yourself with these different aspects to choose a topic that matches your interests and assignment requirements.
  • Narrow down your topic: Once you have a general understanding of the debate, focus on a specific aspect or question within it. This will help keep your essay focused and manageable. For example, you could explore how nature and nurture influence language acquisition or empathy development. Alternatively, if you are focusing on pollution, you can narrow it down to land pollution or water pollution.
  • Brainstorm ideas: Take some time to brainstorm potential essay ideas. Write down any relevant topics or questions that come to mind. You can also do preliminary research to gather background information and identify gaps in existing knowledge. This will help you formulate an engaging and compelling essay topic within the nature vs nurture framework. As an example, you can pair the environmental education topic with the main topic, which is how it shapes the way in which we live.

Step 2: Conducting Research

  • Gather reliable sources: After choosing a clear topic, conduct in-depth research to find reliable sources. Look for scholarly articles, academic journals, books, and reputable websites that discuss the nature vs nurture debate and your specific topic. Make sure the sources you use are from credible authors and institutions to maintain your essay’s integrity.
  • Explore scholarly articles and books: Academic articles and books are helpful for detailed information and expert perspectives on the nature vs nurture topic. Utilize academic databases to access a wide range of research publications. Pay attention to the methodology and findings presented in these sources to strengthen your arguments.
  • Use online databases and libraries: Alongside scholarly sources, online databases and libraries can provide valuable information for your essay. Websites like the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Wikipedia, encyclopedia Britannica, etc. offer comprehensive articles related to the essay and debate. Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and prioritize reputable sources.

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Step 3: Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement

  • Make your argument clear: The thesis statement is the main point of your essay. It should be concise and express your position on the topic. Consider the research you’ve done and take a stance that guides the content of your essay.
  • Include both nature and nurture: It’s important to incorporate elements of both nature and nurture into your thesis statement. Recognize the significance of genetic factors and the impact of the environment. Strive for a balanced perspective that reflects the complexity of the nature vs nurture essay.
  • Present a balanced perspective: Aim for a thesis statement that acknowledges the contributions of both nature and nurture. Avoid extreme positions that oversimplify the topic. Emphasize the interplay between genetics and the environment, highlighting the combined influence on human development.

In your essay, you can include concerns about human overpopulation and how it affects our nature, as well as how we nurture and accept it as part of our existence.

Step 4: Structure Your Essay


  1. Grab the reader’s attention: Start with an engaging hook that makes the reader want to keep reading. Use a story, a relevant quote, or an intriguing question.
  2. Provide background information: Give some context on the nature vs nurture essay so that readers understand the topic. Explain the basics and its significance.
  3. Present your thesis statement: Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic in a concise manner.

Body Paragraphs: Presenting Evidence and Arguments

  1. Organize your arguments: Structure your essay logically. Each paragraph should focus on a single point or piece of evidence, supported by research or examples. Use topic sentences to introduce the main idea of each paragraph.
  2. Transition smoothly: Connect paragraphs smoothly to maintain the flow of your essay. Use transitional phrases or sentences to help the reader follow your thoughts.

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Counterarguments and responses

  1. Address counterarguments: Acknowledge potential objections to your thesis statement. Consider opposing viewpoints that readers may have.
  2. Respond to counterarguments: Provide strong evidence and logical reasoning to counter opposing viewpoints. Show that you’ve thought about different perspectives and can defend your main argument.


  1. Summarize key points: Recap the main points and arguments presented in the body paragraphs.
  2. Restate the thesis statement: Remind the reader of your main argument in a concise way.
  3. Final thoughts: Offer some closing remarks on the implications of the nature vs nurture debate, emphasizing the importance of considering both factors in understanding human development.

Step 5: Improving Your Essay

Check for grammar and spelling mistakes in your essay after completing the first draft. You can use grammar-checking tools or ask a friend or proofreader for help. Correct any errors to make your essay clear, professional, and easy to read.

Read your essay critically to ensure it is clear and makes sense. Make sure your arguments flow logically and smoothly between paragraphs and ideas. Every sentence should contribute to the overall clarity of your essay. Get rid of any confusing or unclear language that might make it hard for the reader to understand.

Seek feedback from peers, professors, or writing tutors. Their fresh perspectives can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. Revise your essay based on their feedback, strengthening your arguments, supporting your evidence, and clarifying any unclear points. A series of revision is essential to make your essay polished and compelling.

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Step 6: Formatting and Referencing

Follow the formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or the assigned citation style (such as APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard) when formatting your essay. Maintain consistency in formatting throughout your essay, including in-text citations, references, and overall structure. Following the appropriate citation style shows attention to detail and academic integrity.

Cite all the sources you have referenced in your essay accurately. Create a reference list or bibliography that includes complete citation details for all the sources you have consulted. Proper referencing prevents plagiarism and allows readers to locate and verify your sources.

Include a reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay, listing all the sources you have cited. Adhere to the specific formatting rules of your chosen citation style, organizing authors, titles, publication dates, and other necessary details correctly. Double-check the accuracy of your reference list to ensure all sources are included and properly formatted.

Also Read: How to Write an Informative Essay on Nature?

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing your essay, be aware of common mistakes that can weaken your arguments. Avoiding these mistakes will make your essay well-rounded and compelling. Here are three common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Not addressing counterarguments adequately: Provide a balanced response to opposing viewpoints. Ignoring counterarguments weakens your credibility and oversimplifies the nature vs nurture debate. Engage with opposing perspectives to strengthen your argument.
  2. Overemphasizing one side of the nature vs nurture debate: Strive for a balanced perspective that recognizes the importance of both genetic factors and environmental influences. Understand that human development is shaped by the complex interplay between nature and nurture.
  3. Relying on unsupported claims: Support your arguments with credible evidence and research. Avoid making claims without proper evidence or presenting personal opinions as facts. Base your arguments on scientific studies, academic articles, and reliable sources to establish your claims’ validity. This strengthens your essay and makes it more convincing.

By following these steps and avoiding common mistakes, you can write an engaging and well-structured nature vs nurture essay. Remember to conduct thorough research, present balanced arguments, and support your claims with credible evidence. Have a great time writing your essay!

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