NGOs Working for Environmental Protection in India
NGOs Working for Environmental Protection in India
Is India also facing environmental issues as the rest of the world? Yes, India is among the top polluted countries. Thus, ecological problems are the main reasons which cause diseases as a clean environment leads to a healthy society.
Further, India is the second most populated country having a population of 1.38 crore. In order to provide basic needs to this large population, we are continuously harming the environment in several ways.
India has many environmental issues like air pollution, water pollution, poor management of waste, biodiversity loss, land or soil degradation, water scarcity, deforestation, and many more.
The forest percentage in India is about 24.56% of total land. And most of the environment-related problems start from the deterioration of forests. Moreover, a surprising fact about India is that some states of India have less than 10% forest, whereas some states have more than 80%.
Therefore, in order to prevent the disastrous effects of environmental degradation, a large number of environmental protection agencies or NGOs are working in India. These ecological organizations take responsibility to serve nature and restore it.
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Top NGOs Working in India
Here, we have a compilation of the top NGOs working in India for environmental protection. Let’s view them closely.
Indian Environmental Society (IES):
This organization was started in 1972 to promote environmental improvement initiatives in India.
IES focuses on environmental education, biodiversity conservation, information dissemination, solid waste management, ecotechnology, and heritage conservation. Furthermore, this organization suggests global solutions for critical environmental issues at both local and national levels.
The goal of IES is to give an advancement system that is ecologically stable, self-supporting, and evenhanded in the distribution of resources and opportunities.
Moreover, it has taken part in solid waste management, heritage conservation, and the environment in Himachal Pradesh and the recycling of marble slurry waste to protect the environment in Rajasthan.
Wildlife Trust of India:
The wildlife trust of India is a nonprofit, charitable organization. Mr. Vivek Menon started this organization in 1998 to conserve the declining wildlife of India.
They mainly focus on animal welfare, wildlife conservation, and environmental protection. Further, it has more than 150 professionals all over the country.
They work to conserve wildlife and its habitat, which is beneficial for individual wild animals. They also serve nature by recovering threatening species and protected areas.
The wildlife trust of India has done many works effectively. They have turned whale shark hunters into staunch protectors in Gujarat, relocated distressed Hoolock gibbons in Arunachal Pradesh, reduced elephant deaths due to train hits in Uttarakhand, and many more.
TERI represents the energy and resource institute. The motto of TERI is to create innovative solutions for a sustainable future.
This organization was established by Mr. Darbari Seth in 1974. They focus primarily on promoting proper use of resources, increasing access and uptake of sustainable inputs, and reducing the effect on the environment and climate. However, this innovative organization has high capabilities in research, consultancy, policy, and implementation.
The mission of TERI is to guide the changes to a cleaner and sustainable future through the conservation and efficient use of energy and other resources.
This independent and multidimensional organization is working to increase sustainable inputs and access to basic service.
Aranyak was founded by Dr. Bibhab Kumar Talukdar in 1989. The first project of Aaranyak was to save the white wood-duck from extinction.
The objective of Aaranyak is to create public awareness about the maintenance of ecological balance in the neighborhood.
Aaranyak has a mission to promote the conservation of biodiversity in Northeast India through research, environmental education, capacity building, and advocacy.
For their dedicated work, they have achieved many awards, such as institutional awards in the field of science and technology in 2017, lighthouse activity awards in 2014, and many more.
They work to secure the future of all threatened species and to protect nature.
ATREE stands for Ashoka’s trust for research in ecology and the environment. This organization was established in 1996.
The motivation of this organization is to generate interdisciplinary knowledge to inform the policies and rules towards conservation and sustainability.
This organization works at the grassroots level to implement environmental and sustainability interference and also spreads knowledge to the public.
They have programs on forests, water, climate change, biodiversity, landscapes and livelihood, and northeast initiatives.
Padma Vibhushan Mohan Dharia had started this NGO in 1982. The motto of Vanarai is to turn the villages into self-reliant with people’s participation.
So, they focus on soil and water conservation, afforestation, horticulture development, training of farmers, skill development, etc.
In other words, we can say that Vanarai has a mission of rural development and environmental protection. Vanarai follows Mahatma Gandhi’s words ‘ Go back to villages’ and works on it.
This organization has also achieved many successes. They have conserved approximately 37.15 crore liter water. They are planting one lakh trees every year and are building thousands of toilets and drainage lines to manage wastes.
LEDeG stands for Ladakh ecological development and environmental group. Helena Norgberg-Hodge, in 1983 had established this organization to support the local communities and economy.
This grassroots organization has 35 full-time employees in the general administration who implement various projects, and then those projects are sanctioned by a board of 100 members.
Further, LEDeG has been working on several projects. Some recent projects are urban water health project-II, fruit processing in collaboration with Sir Dorabji Tata, trust Mumbai, etc.
This organization’s mission is to promote ecological and sustainable development that coordinates with and establishes the local traditions and culture in Ladakh.
LEDeG works in several areas such as agriculture and food processing, rural building center, handcraft, and much more.
Vanashakti was founded by Meenakshi Menon, Namita Roy Ghose, Peter Armand Menon in 2006. This nonprofit environmental NGO is based in Mumbai.
According to Vanashakti, there are two groups in this world. The first group creates environmental issues, and the second group becomes a part of the solution. Thus, Vanashakti encourages people to be a part of the second group.
Furthermore, they play a crucial role in spreading public awareness about the vital part of the forest in human wellbeing.
The mission of Vanashakti is to demonstrate the critical link between ecosystem and human welfare, especially for the poor, by communication, community building, and projects.
They mainly focus on promoting conservation and environmental education. Besides these, Vanashakti generates income development for forest communities who depend on ecology.
This article is all about a list of environmental NGOs located in India and working for the protection of the ecology of the country. If you like this article please share it with your friends and family.