8 Easy Ways to Save  Water Today

Why Save Water?

Water is limited. Saving it helps people, animals, and the Earth.

Turn Off Taps

Always turn off taps. A dripping tap wastes a lot of water!

Fix  Leaks

Fixing leaks quickly can save gallons of water each day.

Efficient Appliances

Use water-saving appliances. They save both water and money.

Water Plants Wisely

Water plants early or late in the day. This helps to reduce waste.

Collect Rain water

Collecting rainwater helps you reuse water for gardens and lawns.

Shorter Showers

Take shorter showers. It’s an easy way to save water every day!

Reuse Water

Reuse water from washing fruits or dishes for watering plants.

SAVE Water

Let's do our part to save water. Every drop counts!

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